Thursday, January 15, 2009

Signing in..

Every tym I saw this I wished she would be there.

He: hi

She: hiiiiiiieee

He: i knew i wud cu here @ dis tym.

She: hmmm..




He: put up a dp na..

She: ya wait..

He: Oh.. wow u luk so beautiful

She: thank you





He: so where do v meet.

She: contact me 2mrw, i'll let u noe.

He: sure

He: bye. gd. sd.

She: byeeeeeee.. sd.

"Then in the morning I called her. She said she wouldn't be able to come. So, I said that I will come to meet her outside her college & so one hour later I was there outside her college. And by this tym she was already in McDonald's waitin for me. As I sat on the chair beside her 'Don't look at me, Im feeling very shy' were her first words. I was surprised to hear this from a girl who is,actually, meeting up with a guy she met online whom she barely even knows. Don't feel shy while talkin to strangers online, I was about to ask but then thought this would screw my chances & so I decided to keep quiet & look less in her direction. The 'date' ended few hours later & then we met up quite regularly. On some days she would come near my office, on other days I would go & wait for

her outsyde her college. Things were pretty good.

One day just like any other we decided to meet again. I just sent her a txt saying 'McDonalds'. This created a big confusion. Now, there's a McDonald's

outsyde my office as well as one near her college, almost insyde her college. We had never been to the McDonald's which was outsyde of my office. So, I went & waited for her in the McDonald's outsyde her college & she decided to use some extra brains & she waited for me in the McDonald's outsyde of my office. She thought it would be convenient. Now, from when did girls start thinking about our convenience, I thought. I waited for an hour insyde finishing 3Burgers & an large coke. I don't noe what she did waiting that long 'cause even she waited for the same amount of tym. For once I felt she was fooling me & must be at home watchin Television & I bet she even felt the same about me. So, after a lot of calls to each other & a lot of confusion we eventually decided not to meet that day. So, that day, we didn't meet.

I got a bit busy on the following 3 days & didn't catch up with her, neither on fone, nor online. After 3 days which felt like 3months I decided to give her a call. I was gettin serious about her. And so, I did. But that day she said she had to meet up with a girl-friend of hers so the plan got cancelled. And like this we didn't meet for 2 weeks 'cause she met her 4 more tyms after this one. Desperation was sinking in.

It was Sunday. 11:00am. My phone rang & it was her at the other end. But, at this end it was me and my mom beside me. I gathered some courage and answered the phone. But didn't manage to speak clearly. I spoke as if it was a guy at the other end & spoke a bit non-sense but somehow I managed to make her understand that I would call her back in sometym. Little did I noe that this 'sometym' would cost me so much.

Lyk I said, I gave her a call at 12 noon. I was in tremendously romantic mood that day so I went to a garden next to my building & the took the seat in the remote corner of the garden. I did all this before I gave her a call.

I called. She answered. But she didn't say what I wanted to hear.

She: Now it's too late. It's 12: ya. By the tym we meet it will be 14:00 & then I have to return home soon.

Me: So what. Go home late one day na. We haven't met for 2weeks, you noe.

She: Ya, I noe but then I was thinkin of meeting another online friend of mine.

Me: Is this a he or a she?

She: A guy.

Me: What the.. We haven't met for 2 weeks & you don't care about that. All you're thinkin about ryt now is meeting that guy.

She: No, I wanted to meet you so I called you at 11:00 but then..

Me: But what?

She: Then he called up & I promised him that I would meet him since you weren't free.

Me: So, it's like this now. If Im not free then someone else?

She: No, you don't understand.

Me: Yeah, I don't want to understand crap like this. 2weeks before this you wanted to meet this girl-friend of yours & now you want to meet this guy instead of me.

She: But..


I hung up.

I couldn't take more. It was very clear she avoided me. I was very upset. And once she told me that she felt shy when I looked at her, I thought. The whole ambiance that I had created, that corner seat of the garden, that silence, was all wasted. I went home & straight to bed. I was disappointed.

I made sure that I didn't call her the next day. So, I didn't & even she didn't. This affected me badly as I was damn serious about her.

Like this many weeks passed. We hadn't contacted each other. I didn't noe whether I was heart-broken, angry or was it my ego but all this tym I wondered as to why she never called me.

Then one day, I met her online. We greeted each other & then we had nuthin to say to each other. Neither me, nor her. I asked her bout her college life & she asked

m bout my office stuff. Just that & nuthin more. Like this we did meet a couple of tyms online and this was all that we spoke. This reduced gradually.
And since then I haven't spoken to her. And now she's not there on my list".

'kabhi ladki ke chakkar mein mat padh' was his final sentence as he ended his story.

He sounded heart-broken, definitely.

Now, I do not noe whether it was a warning or an advice. But I'll take it as an advice as advices are usually warnings in disguise.

And what's the harm in taking an advice from someone elder and a brother.