Sunday, July 26, 2009

movie review - The Hangover.

Cast: Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, Heather Graham

Direction: Todd Phillips

h, American men have sworn to heaven that they will never grow-up so that films about 'em being so stupid will continue to release on Friday's thereby
entertaining the not-so-stupid one's.

Hangover is funny. Thanks to the principal actors Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms & Zach

Mr. Helms plays a dentist, Stu, only because making him an accountant would deprive the film of a choice tooth-extraction gag. Zach
Galifianakis steals the film as the groom's not-quite-there bearded brother-in-law-to-be, Alan. Bradley Cooper plays Phil, a married school teacher. Justin Bartha plays Doug, who is soon-to-be-married.

For the bachelor's party the four friends
decide to go to the sin city, Vegas. After a wicked night Phil, Stu and Alan wake up to find in their luxury suite with a tiger in the bathroom, a baby in the closet and a chicken scratching around the detritus. Stu has a missing incisor, Phil has a hospital bracelet around his wrist, and Doug is nowhere to be found. And the worst part is that none of the three remember shit about the previous night. The movie is told in reverse, with our three leads retracing the events of the previous night through whatever clues they can find. Heather Graham appears
as the stripper who Stu discovers he married the previous night. Mike Tyson shows up to sing along with a Phil Collins song. Mr. Galifianakis gets knocked out by the famous Mike-Tyson-punch. There's a funny scene in the movie when the trio ask for their Mercedes in which they came to Vegas but instead the valet brings to them a police car which they had apparently stolen the previous night.

The verbal jokes I will leave for you to discover and repeat with your friends.

The movie is true to it's title. Hangover is funny because it is sharply written.
Although it is a just about a bachelor party gone wrong, it is very well done. Apart from the on-screen nudity consisting of male buttocks and a woman’s breast in the mouth of a nursing infant the movie is as safe as milk.

The film is fit enough to watch with your buddies.

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