Tuesday, January 26, 2010

movie review : The taking of Pelham 123

Cast: John Travolta, Denzel Washington

Director: Tony Scott

Okay, i haven't watched the original 1974 film but I have watched this and can conclude this to be an engaging, edge-f-the-seat thriller.

John Travolta, plays Ryder with a Y, a wolfish grin and a tattooed neck stars as a criminal mastermind, who hijacks a New York subway train full of passengers, and demands a 10 million$ ransom. He threatens to kill passengers one by one if the money doesn't get to him in an hour. Denzel Washington plays Garber, a subway employee. Mr. Washington, perhaps is the most effortlessly charismatic American film actor.

While negotiating his deal, Travolta finds himself engaged in a bond with Washington, with a bribe-accepting past over the subway radio. Travolta and Washington offer solid enough performances. This would be the first film where I think Denzel is a little side lined by Travolta. Women are marginally used in the film. Washington's wife in Queens and the girlfriend of an hostage on an onlyn video chat are the only ones.

The film has many flaws but it makes you ignore them due to some rock-solid performances and a thrilling script and a fast-pace.

The film’s final shot of a common man walking home from the subway after a hard day’s work, having saved the city is the truest moment f the film.

P.S. too many slangs.

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