Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I decided to ryt a blog criticising this film whilst I was in the loo over my daily routine. I guess that's the kinda place where you are struck upon the idea of rytin sumthin about Dostana.

First of all, I can't understand how can anyone act in Karan Johar's movies?

starts the trend in Bollywood where actors/actresses will start using their well toned bodies to camouflage their flaws in acting?
To promote a movie you show it's lead actor strippin n showin his butts on the front page? Man do I have to get up in the morning to see this?
It was said he worked on his butts for 6 months to get in shape. So what? To hell with John n his so-called-well-toned butts. If he had spent so much tym tryin to learn how to act it would have done him so much good.
Earlier actors used to go to acting-training skools to fine tune their acting skills, now-a-days, they hit the gym.

Bobby Deol.. he looks jus so silly. He was better off in '
Solider' n for that matter even in 'Bichoo' where he plays a milk-drinking supari killer and a scorpion care-taker.

Abhishek Bachchan, well, he's hit a jackpot already. The most beautiful lady of the country, Aishwarya Rai, as yor wife what else would anyone ask for. No wonder he's not concerned bout his 6-8 packs or for that matter even his butts.

And Priyanka, my dear, why did you have to act in this film that too after doing sumthin like
Fashion. Girl, You were so good in that.

Man, John can't act. Why don't u guys understand that. I wish John's acting skills were as toned as his biceps.

For that matter even Bipasha, Mineesha (y do u thnk she wore a bikini oderwise), SameeraReddy, Katrina Kaif, Celina Jaitley, Amrita Arora, etc can't act as well.

Show cleavage, wear short skirts, get into a bikini; it's all good but at least have some good role to accompany that as well.

Finally, KJo please get married (c'mon man you jus made a movie about it) or jus.. jus get lost.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One Missed Call.

Tring..tring. Tring..tring [No answer]

You have one missed call!

Should’ve missed the call -- is the feeling that all avid movie watchers, like me, went to watch Hello felt after coming out of the hall. Salman says ’A call you have to answer’. Really? Who cares what Salman says.

If you ask me, honestly, I like Chetan Bhagat’s novels, somewhat, and when I heard there was a movie made based on it, I wanted to watch it. Little did I know that it would be preposterous. This one time — just this one time — I wish I had been busy attending to something more important so that I could not find time to go for the movie.

Now, I have a condition before I read any of Bhagat's novels which is that no matter what no one will ever try to make a movie out of his novels. Because I feel it's Bhagat's mistake too. He shouldn't have let Atul Agnihotri direct the movie in such a way.

Hello is an embarrassingly amateurish movie. The film is based on Chetan Bhagat’s best selling novel titled ‘One night @ the call centre’. The film revolves around six persons and how their life changes that particular night. I wish they had casted serious characters in the film to show such a serious plot. The movie includes Sharman Joshi as a call-centre team-leader in the making, and Sohail Khan, Eesha Koppikar, Gul Panag, Amrita Arora and Sharat Saxena. Starting with the call-centre in Hello, which looks more like the lobby of a three-star hotel, to its executives who always seem to be on a break or using official lines to make personal calls, the filmmakers seem unaware of and indifferent towards even basic details about the world they've set their story in. Call centre employees everywhere will be horrified by the way their job is being portrayed.

The characters in this film are dull and uninspired, and the actors playing these characters are just as bored.

Sharman Joshi and Sohail Khan lend a few moments of silly humor, but the others appear to be sleepwalking through their scenes. Eesha Koppikar is shown as a struggling model but the kind of attire she wears suggests something else which was even mentioned in the film where she’s known to have slept with many men to get good work. Gul Panag managed to act well in some parts of the movie. Amrita Arora is better off on Page 3 where she keeps popping up in every other party with a new boyfriend. Why can’t she just wear backless tops, advertise something’s, give stupid interviews about fashion and make a living out of it, why does she have to take up acting?

To add to it the other characters in the film like the call-centre-head and the system maitainence guy are exaggerated to such a degree that they come off looking like idiots. The call-centre-head seems to love Americans and he keeps saying that throughout the film then why does he have to wear a tie of the flag of the States? That’s exaggeration.

Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif who chipped in between could not do a thing to make Hello less boring.

When you occasionally find yourself laughing in your seat, you realize you're laughing AT the film, not WITH it.

Moral of the story: Hello’s dull. Hello’s extremely stupid.

The only thing right about the movie was the beautiful Katrina Kaif playing an angel, because she did look like one.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Im a self-confessed believer in the 'power' of a woman. So much so that I even secretly desire an award from the women's association, India.
Women are the better-looking species, have access to pretty make-up (and shoes, and bags, and skirts) .. what's not to love about a woman? Meanwhile, we've always known that women have a good thing going for them, now we've got a science to back it up. In honour of International Women's Day, 25 scientifically proven, research-baked facts prove what we've known all along:


'Women get high ratings on exactly those skills needed to succeed in the global Information Age' -Rosabeth Moss Kanter, HARVARD PROFESSOR.

. "Women are born with wider peripheral vision; as a nest-defender, a woman has brain software that allows her to receive an arc of at least 45-degree clear vision to each side of her head and above and below her nose"

"Male drivers have a 77% higher chance of dying in a car accident than a women"--traffic analysis


"Women spend 30% less time on the Internet than men/month"

"Women are more tactful while assigning tasks and attempt to 'bond' with who they are writing to"

"Women not only quoted a lower initial price, they were also successful at getting a better bargain"



" Heard of man with flu? It means a serious, crippling affliction that comes with loud sniffs, elephantine nose blowing, and the kind of convulsions that make Chinese torture look good. Women's immune systems tend to fight back more vigorously, ensuring that a common cold, well, stays a common cold"

"Women understand SMS phone technology much better than men" -Mobile Data Association, UK.

I completely agree to this. I do not need to refer to any of the universities in the US. I have a personal experience.

"Men have a weaker sense of smell and their skin isn't sensitive as a woman's. So guys aren't as likely to notice that they're snoozing on stinky sheets"



Again. I have a personal experience.



"For the first time in Harvard's history, women outnumber men in gaining admission under the Early Action program"





"Girls speak faster on average - 250 words/minute"

I, really, don't like to say these filmi dialogues, but as Mr. Shahrukh Khan said in the movie "Chak De!!", which happens to be one of my favorite movies, 'Agar ladkiyan ladkon ko paida kar sakti hai to woh kuch bhi kar sakti hai'.

Three cheers for Mr. SRK !!
Even Mr. Shaggy will agree to this. Remember his song-'Strength of a woman'.

Women really are the smarter/wiser/better species and we know that there's nothing better than being a women. But what if there are some things women can learn from the opposite sex?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Whizzing here,
whooshing there,
Girl with a mission;
she don't care
'bout hurting feelings,
stepping on toes
The truth's the truth and it's gotta be told!
She'll whip up a storm,
then soothe with her sighs.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


One fine day, as the boys were discussing their woes:

Sheldon - How am i supposed to know the difference?
Ryan - Huh!?
Sheldon - Between a lip gloss and nail paint.
Ryan - Oh. This happens.
Sheldon - Or a kajal and black lipstick.
Jason - Ask women if they know what a PS3 is.
Ryan - It's like asking us what peep toes are.
Rahul - I am a peeping Tom, i admit(he shouts).
Sheldon - Easy man, don't shout. So, what is a peeping toe?
Jason - Peep toes are a style of shoes.
Ryan - Right, they are not actual body parts.
Sheldon - And how come both of you know?
Jason - Oh. That's a funny story.

The power dynamics between men and women never stop, do they? Player or no player, peep toes or ballerinas; men are just about nothing without women. But still it's hard to find words to write something about women who leave a mark on our lives. The women I know may leave an impression of being submissive, but confidence is something they don't lack. And that is really what woman-hood should be all about.

A woman has strengths that amaze men. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens. She holds happiness, love and opinions. She smiles when she feels like screaming. She sings when she feels like crying, cries when she's happy and laughs when she's afraid. Her love is unconditional.
There is only one thing wrong with her, she sometimes forgets what she is worth.
--Some feminist(who never claims to be one).

Happy 'belated' Women's Day.
PS - Belated, on purpose, because she 'is' often forgotten (like this post). Btw, this post is titled 'Vogue' for the exact reason.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Angels and Demons.

Every time we hold hands with our current squeeze, there is a disapproving tap on our shoulder. Every time we step out in a mini skirt we are forced to think twice about our choice of clothing. The moral police are killing our freedom of speech and expression, but not anymore! We are raising our voices against baseless claims.

Moral delusion #1
An unmarried girl cannot possibly have guys in her life who r just friends (minus the quotes)

Bitter truth #1
These are just excuses to curtail a girl's sexuality and choices, thus ensuring that they don't end up realizing what today bums guys really are, and thus don't dump them for a better deal. This stereotype is regularly reinforced by the media where the evil vamp is shown as the lady who smokes, drinks and has all male friends as opposed to d ever sacrificial heroine. But in all fairness, what's sauce for the goose had better be the sauce for the gander.

Moral Delusion #2

Valentines' day is an evil influence of the west. Unfortunately, Rakhi Sawant cannot be passed off as an evil influence of the west, and neither will she shut up despite all the controversy that surrounds her. so move on to softer targets! Down with young couples sitting together on 14th February exchanging an innocent teddy bear or some harmless jewellery. Guys n girls must enjoy each others company if they r married or related to each other. Sheesh!

Bitter truth #2
If religion and politics can be stuffed down every one's throats, why cant a little love? People grab their 15 secs of fame by stomping over insignificant issues like those to cover up for their inaction on more pressing issues. Party workers manhandle young couples and use it as an excuse to extort money from them. Yes, valentine's day is yet another corporate conspiracy, but hey, it's one we love to celebrate! After all, hasn't every other occasion become one? Mother's day, Fathers day, Childrens day, Teachers day, Rose day, Chocolate day, Peace day, No smoking day, Aids day. Phew! Besides, why should it concern anyone if consenting adults are sitting around holding hands? As long as they aren't making out in public, roughing them up is a violation of their individual rights.

Moral delusion #3

Girls who dress in skimpy clothes (read sleeveless tees) or spend time outside their homes at night, are inviting men, if they are misbehaved with, molested or raped, they must have been tempting the man and how dare they object to d incident!

Bitter truth #3

In a case of he says vs she says situation, its much easier to have a scapegoat; and what better way to maintain the male race's superiority, than to pin the blame on the girl? This argument actually does nothing to stop such heinous crimes. For one, it reduces the 'man' to an uncivilised being ruled by animalistic urges. Second, its logic cannot justify why women who are covered from heat to toe, like elderly ladies in saris with their heads covered or even young girls, incapable of 'sexual overtures' get raped.

Moral Delusion #4
Guys and girls should not show any signs of affection or fondness in public. A kiss in public, no matter how innocent, causes life scarring mental trauma to people who witness it, and encourage their little children to replicate such horrible, culturally demoralising acts. Love and sex are matters of the innermost recesses of one's bedroom and should stay there.

Bitter truth #4

We don't understand why the most celebrated of human emotions must be kept veiled at all times. It's just a matter of holding hands, a hug or a peck on d cheek, not a full blown make put session! Sex is on our television sets, on the internet, in magazines, in all our hormone fuelled conversations, and yes, its a hot topic amongst the politicos of our country. Yet, a simple gesture of affection is sees as violation of a woman. These guys have it all messed up.

In conclusion all I can say is that reform starts at home. So, if you're annoyed enough by these purveyors of unwanted intervention weed out such elements if you know them personally. Get them to see the light of reason.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Option.

Why 'marry' when you can 'live-in' is the option.

Decades back when the concept of live-in relationship first cropped up; society was
flabbergasted. How dare a couple cohabit without being legally bonded in matrimony asked a conservative lot. But those who dared to rebel, still chose to live-in. Today, with the number of live-in pairs having increased multi-fold, it is deeply ingrained in the DNA of the metro-culture, making it a norm. So much so, recently a supreme court bench headed by Justice Arijit Parayat declared that children born out of such a relationship will no longer be called illegitimate.

"The word marriage puts me off" would be a rude or not-so-satisfying reason as to why couples opt for live-in relationship over marriage. Fear of being taken for granted may be the other reason. Or marriage being defined as the boys getting their prey. Saving money, thrill and convenience also finds itself among the reasons. There are also excuses supporting the couples decisions to go for live-in. "I have the greatest respect for marriage and I guess I'll get there someday" or "There's just a piece of paper missing. May be someday, We'll get around and get that piece of paper. But to me, we are as married as we'd be if a priest read out some shlokas". These excuses contain a lot of guesses and maybe's, if's and but's which make this live-in option a bit 'wild'. For some, just the sheer thrill to be the odd one out has made them choose the 'wild' option.

While some feel marriage brings with it security and commitment others could feel boredom to go through the rigmaroles of filing in papers in the court of law.

India has still a long way to go to accept such a Bohemian lifestyle. It is taking baby steps towards it.

Whether one chooses to sign on a piece of paper and believe that their relationship is more authentic or one defies it for precisely the same reason it is a personal choice. Each couple has their own reasons to stay in that arrangement. But what's surely refreshing is the way the society is accepting radical changes.

Imagine the concept of a 'bastard child' being eradicated completely. Way to go!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Perfect Ten.

Cricket is said to be a teams game and it happens very rarely that a lone man wins matches on his sheer brilliance.
On the 7th of feb, 1999 one man won India a test single-handedly. Anil Kumble against arch rivals Pakistan became the second man to take all ten wickets in an innings.
Pakistan in its second innings at the Ferozshah Kotla in Delhi fell like nine pins to Kumble's guile. The karnataka spinner who is known for his aggression and fighting spirit, took the talented pakistani batsmen heads on and like a warrior annihilated the entire batting order in a matter of few hours ending up with beautiful figures of 10 for 74.
Chasing a mammoth 420 Pakistani openers Saeed Anwar and Shahid Afridi gave them a solid start but then Kumble got into his act, demolishing the batting order which included Inzamam-ul-Haq, Ijaz Ahmad, Salim Malik and Mohammed Yousuf. From 101 for no loss they were 128 for 6. Pakistani showed some resistance for while when they added 58 runs for the seventh wicket. I guees, they were playing for pride.
But Kumble son polished off their tail in a clinical fashion to equal Jim Laker's feat after 42 years and draw level in the two match series.
What's the harm in electing such a man to be the captain of India, at 37.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cards Of Life And Death.

Why Doesn't Anything Happen To Him?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Answers Are Within.

Stephen covey, in the seven habits of highly effective people, shares an experience that he once had while travelling on the new york sub way.

Imagine you are riding the subway early one morning, and everybody appears to be comfortable--people are drinking their coffee, reading their newspapers and magazines, working on their laptops, talking on their cell phones. Everything is normal and peaceful. At each station, a few people get off, a few people get on, everything is calm and sedate, until the train stops at a particular station and a man walks onto your train car with his children. He finds seats for them and then sits down in a reflective mood. While he is in deep meditation, the children begin to run up and down the aisle, screaming and shouting, running all over the train car.

How do you feel? Are you mad at the man?why are you mad?you are perhaps thinking, this man should take care of his children in public. If he does not know how to take care of children, why did he have them in the first place! Are you mad at the children for making so much noise? Spoiled kids! You might think. You notice there is no mother. Now you might be thinking, i bet the mother left this man with these undisciplined children. See yourself going up to this irresponsible father and confronting him, saying "excuse me, sir, would you mind tending your children? They're being so disruptive, and i think everybody is getting a little upset." The man looks up at you and says, "Two hours ago these children lost their mother in the hospital. She just died, and ever since then i have trying to explain to them the death of their mother, and their only reaction is this."

Now how do you feel?

Situations in themselves do not produce feelings. It is our perception of them that makes us feel good or bad.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Each time there is a natural disaster or a terrorist attack, the government awards compensation to the victims. So you have a relief for floods, earthquake, riot victims, blast survivors, so on and so forth..And now, every time a rape is reported, the victim will be entitled to monetary compensation, as a centre for relief for rape is on the anvil.

As per the scheme designed by the National Commission for Women[NCW] victims of rape will now get cash compensation of RS 2 lakh to Rs 5lakh.

--Rape victim or her legal heir can apply to the centre.

--The centre will be required to release Rs 20,000 as the interim relief to the victim.

--A copy of FIR and a medical report conforming the rape must accompany the application.

--The balance of the compensation amount will be handed over the course of the year.

This is absolutely absurd. It doesn't make any sense. You can't compensate a rape victim. What she wants is justice. She's not interested in money.

What is rape eventually? It is a gross crime! Instead of punishing the culprit, you are doing the reverse. By paying compensation to the victim are you trying to say theek hai, it is okay to rape? What kind of logic is this?

The need of the hour is an effective system which ensure faster rape trials. A centre for relief for rape will show at least some concern towards the rape victim.

While monetary compensation may help certain cases, what a victim perhaps needs most is: to regain her sense of self, to not to be called a 'rape victim' all her life, and most importantly, to see her perpetrator punished.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Orkut Is Not Banned. You Fool.

I would not consider this a social service.
Orkut is banned you fool--how many of us may have got this message when the orkut page is opened. Or how many of our
foolish friends might have given us the advice of formatting the Pc. Or how many of our Pc engineers might have charged
us a big amount to rectify the problem. Not any more.
This problem occurs due to the presence of the w32.USB Worm in the system. This particular virus is defined as which
hates Orkut, Firefox and You Tube. Well, i would not go by that. Because i don't give a fuck about what the fucking
virus likes or dislikes.
Henceforth whenever you encounter this problem follow the following simple steps then then relish Orkut.

1. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and go to the processes tab
2. Look for svchost.exe under the image name. There will be many but look for the ones which have your username under
the username
3. Press DEL to kill these files. It will give you a warning, Press Yes
4. Repeat for more svchost.exe files with your username and repeat. Do not kill svchost.exe with system, local service or
network service!
5. Now open My Computer
6. In the address bar, type C:\heap41a and press enter. It is a hidden folder, and is not visible by default.
7. Delete all the files here
9. Now go to Start --> Run and type Regedit
10. You need to navigate to
Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL, checkedvalue" And reset the “CheckedValue” key back to 1. This is to show all the hidden
11. Then navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\Run "
and delete the "winlogon" key. --- This will stop the worm installing at the start up.

..And hence you live with your Pc happily ever after.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


You throw garbage on the road then you complain of mosquitoes breeding on them.

On one hand we have movies like 'provoked' which shows that the convict Kiranjit Ahluwalia, played by the beautiful Aishwarya Rai, is left without any charges after brutally murdering her husband just because it was proved that she was provoked for doing the act.

Now, many voices have raised against the hooligans who molested two NRI girls on the Juhu beach on the 31st of December, 2007. People are hellbent on punishing the molesters but did anyone ever ask them whether or not they were provoked.

Down here are few celebs who have even voiced their opinion against the molesters. I felt that they were not the right persons to speak on the topic.
[I'm seriously concerned and upset about what happened with the girls but I'm forced to write this because I, personally, dint feel that 'these' celebs should not have opened their mouths]

1. Bipasha Basu: "Those dirty hooligans who apparently molested two women on New Year's day should be punished so severely that no pervert would dare to try these dirty ugly acts ever again.

"Yes, Miss Basu they won't try these dirty ugly acts ever again provided they don't spot you in this kinda attire"

2. Malaika Arora: "I've always considered Bombay to be a safe place for women. But not any longer. I'm sure most women in the city feel the same way after the shocking barbaric incident.

That's too hot a picture Mrs. Khan.
When women do not step outside like this then Bombay would definitely be safe.

3. Koena Mitra: "Why only Mumbai city? No city is safe any more for women. I feel for the two women who were manhandled on New Year's even. Poor things! My soul trembles at what they must have gone through.

"Your soul..I see. The dog must be covering that, right?"

4. Amrita Arora: "I think New Years nite is pretty unsafe. People are drunk and behave in a weird manner. There must be much more cops and security in crowded places during such occasions

Even the cops won't be able to protect you if you are dressed like this on New Year's nite.

5. Priyanka (Nisha) Kothari: "That such a thing can happen in Mumbai is really shocking.. One always thought the city was absolutely safe for girls. But I don't feel the same way any more."
Look who's talking..
I feel, You cannot clap with only one hand.