Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Orkut Is Not Banned. You Fool.

I would not consider this a social service.
Orkut is banned you fool--how many of us may have got this message when the orkut page is opened. Or how many of our
foolish friends might have given us the advice of formatting the Pc. Or how many of our Pc engineers might have charged
us a big amount to rectify the problem. Not any more.
This problem occurs due to the presence of the w32.USB Worm in the system. This particular virus is defined as which
hates Orkut, Firefox and You Tube. Well, i would not go by that. Because i don't give a fuck about what the fucking
virus likes or dislikes.
Henceforth whenever you encounter this problem follow the following simple steps then then relish Orkut.

1. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and go to the processes tab
2. Look for svchost.exe under the image name. There will be many but look for the ones which have your username under
the username
3. Press DEL to kill these files. It will give you a warning, Press Yes
4. Repeat for more svchost.exe files with your username and repeat. Do not kill svchost.exe with system, local service or
network service!
5. Now open My Computer
6. In the address bar, type C:\heap41a and press enter. It is a hidden folder, and is not visible by default.
7. Delete all the files here
9. Now go to Start --> Run and type Regedit
10. You need to navigate to
Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL, checkedvalue" And reset the “CheckedValue” key back to 1. This is to show all the hidden
11. Then navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\Run "
and delete the "winlogon" key. --- This will stop the worm installing at the start up.

..And hence you live with your Pc happily ever after.

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