Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cards Of Life And Death.

Why Doesn't Anything Happen To Him?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Answers Are Within.

Stephen covey, in the seven habits of highly effective people, shares an experience that he once had while travelling on the new york sub way.

Imagine you are riding the subway early one morning, and everybody appears to be comfortable--people are drinking their coffee, reading their newspapers and magazines, working on their laptops, talking on their cell phones. Everything is normal and peaceful. At each station, a few people get off, a few people get on, everything is calm and sedate, until the train stops at a particular station and a man walks onto your train car with his children. He finds seats for them and then sits down in a reflective mood. While he is in deep meditation, the children begin to run up and down the aisle, screaming and shouting, running all over the train car.

How do you feel? Are you mad at the man?why are you mad?you are perhaps thinking, this man should take care of his children in public. If he does not know how to take care of children, why did he have them in the first place! Are you mad at the children for making so much noise? Spoiled kids! You might think. You notice there is no mother. Now you might be thinking, i bet the mother left this man with these undisciplined children. See yourself going up to this irresponsible father and confronting him, saying "excuse me, sir, would you mind tending your children? They're being so disruptive, and i think everybody is getting a little upset." The man looks up at you and says, "Two hours ago these children lost their mother in the hospital. She just died, and ever since then i have trying to explain to them the death of their mother, and their only reaction is this."

Now how do you feel?

Situations in themselves do not produce feelings. It is our perception of them that makes us feel good or bad.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Each time there is a natural disaster or a terrorist attack, the government awards compensation to the victims. So you have a relief for floods, earthquake, riot victims, blast survivors, so on and so forth..And now, every time a rape is reported, the victim will be entitled to monetary compensation, as a centre for relief for rape is on the anvil.

As per the scheme designed by the National Commission for Women[NCW] victims of rape will now get cash compensation of RS 2 lakh to Rs 5lakh.

--Rape victim or her legal heir can apply to the centre.

--The centre will be required to release Rs 20,000 as the interim relief to the victim.

--A copy of FIR and a medical report conforming the rape must accompany the application.

--The balance of the compensation amount will be handed over the course of the year.

This is absolutely absurd. It doesn't make any sense. You can't compensate a rape victim. What she wants is justice. She's not interested in money.

What is rape eventually? It is a gross crime! Instead of punishing the culprit, you are doing the reverse. By paying compensation to the victim are you trying to say theek hai, it is okay to rape? What kind of logic is this?

The need of the hour is an effective system which ensure faster rape trials. A centre for relief for rape will show at least some concern towards the rape victim.

While monetary compensation may help certain cases, what a victim perhaps needs most is: to regain her sense of self, to not to be called a 'rape victim' all her life, and most importantly, to see her perpetrator punished.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Orkut Is Not Banned. You Fool.

I would not consider this a social service.
Orkut is banned you fool--how many of us may have got this message when the orkut page is opened. Or how many of our
foolish friends might have given us the advice of formatting the Pc. Or how many of our Pc engineers might have charged
us a big amount to rectify the problem. Not any more.
This problem occurs due to the presence of the w32.USB Worm in the system. This particular virus is defined as which
hates Orkut, Firefox and You Tube. Well, i would not go by that. Because i don't give a fuck about what the fucking
virus likes or dislikes.
Henceforth whenever you encounter this problem follow the following simple steps then then relish Orkut.

1. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and go to the processes tab
2. Look for svchost.exe under the image name. There will be many but look for the ones which have your username under
the username
3. Press DEL to kill these files. It will give you a warning, Press Yes
4. Repeat for more svchost.exe files with your username and repeat. Do not kill svchost.exe with system, local service or
network service!
5. Now open My Computer
6. In the address bar, type C:\heap41a and press enter. It is a hidden folder, and is not visible by default.
7. Delete all the files here
9. Now go to Start --> Run and type Regedit
10. You need to navigate to
Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL, checkedvalue" And reset the “CheckedValue” key back to 1. This is to show all the hidden
11. Then navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\Run "
and delete the "winlogon" key. --- This will stop the worm installing at the start up.

..And hence you live with your Pc happily ever after.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


You throw garbage on the road then you complain of mosquitoes breeding on them.

On one hand we have movies like 'provoked' which shows that the convict Kiranjit Ahluwalia, played by the beautiful Aishwarya Rai, is left without any charges after brutally murdering her husband just because it was proved that she was provoked for doing the act.

Now, many voices have raised against the hooligans who molested two NRI girls on the Juhu beach on the 31st of December, 2007. People are hellbent on punishing the molesters but did anyone ever ask them whether or not they were provoked.

Down here are few celebs who have even voiced their opinion against the molesters. I felt that they were not the right persons to speak on the topic.
[I'm seriously concerned and upset about what happened with the girls but I'm forced to write this because I, personally, dint feel that 'these' celebs should not have opened their mouths]

1. Bipasha Basu: "Those dirty hooligans who apparently molested two women on New Year's day should be punished so severely that no pervert would dare to try these dirty ugly acts ever again.

"Yes, Miss Basu they won't try these dirty ugly acts ever again provided they don't spot you in this kinda attire"

2. Malaika Arora: "I've always considered Bombay to be a safe place for women. But not any longer. I'm sure most women in the city feel the same way after the shocking barbaric incident.

That's too hot a picture Mrs. Khan.
When women do not step outside like this then Bombay would definitely be safe.

3. Koena Mitra: "Why only Mumbai city? No city is safe any more for women. I feel for the two women who were manhandled on New Year's even. Poor things! My soul trembles at what they must have gone through.

"Your soul..I see. The dog must be covering that, right?"

4. Amrita Arora: "I think New Years nite is pretty unsafe. People are drunk and behave in a weird manner. There must be much more cops and security in crowded places during such occasions

Even the cops won't be able to protect you if you are dressed like this on New Year's nite.

5. Priyanka (Nisha) Kothari: "That such a thing can happen in Mumbai is really shocking.. One always thought the city was absolutely safe for girls. But I don't feel the same way any more."
Look who's talking..
I feel, You cannot clap with only one hand.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The interview.

Now this particular female, Riya Sen, is known for her seductive eyes. But tell me, honestly, do you notice her eyes when you see this particular picture. Tell me irrespective of the fact that you are a gal or a guy. Or do you notice her ear rings, her nose ring, her hair. Anything except those boobs which are as eager to come out just like a prisoner from a jail.

Now, folks, this particular picture was published in one of her interview’s, in the beginning of the interview. Now, there lies the problem. How many of us would have read the interview provided the picture was there at the end of the interview.

Don’t tell me that you did not stare at the picture a little longer. May that was all what one did. Including me.

What was the motive behind publishing this particular picture? Was it to show that even she was in the race to win the title for the biggest boobs or the award for exposing too much. I used the word ‘motive’ above because that is what the offenders are questioned about when they pounce on ‘such’ girls.

Girl’s, I’m sorry. I din’t actually mean to hurt your feelings.

But then you show a monkey a peanut then you say don’t take it.

Guy’s, I’m sorry. I din’t actually mean to hurt your feelings too. It was just an example.

No wonder boobs are noticed much more than any other part of the body. We might look at their toes but we do not find them interesting.

I feel this blog is not going to make the girls of ‘this’ generation understand that by exposing they dig their own grave [girls find exposing ‘smart’] neither it will force a man not to look at them. It is like pouring water over a duck’s back. But if it does make sense even to a few out there I would be delighted. Better prevent and prepare than repent and repair.

Now I uploaded this picture at the side. Still guessing how many of you must have read this blog.

I wished in lived in that era where the focus was ‘not so much’ on boobs.